APAARI organized the Virtual Inception Workshop for Asia Pesticide Residue Mitigation through the Promotion of Biopesticides and Enhancement of Trade Opportunities partnering with IR-4 Project, Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Considering the uncertainties and prevailing situation related to the ongoing pandemic, the inception meeting took place virtually on 6-7 August 2020. It aimed to set the stage for the development of the technical and functional capacities of the partners involved in the project.
The event is a sequel to the pre-inception workshop, which was held online on 4 March 2020. The focus of this inception is on the following key areas:
- Project Management and Progress
- Understanding Residue Mitigation-Project Goals and Timelines
- Lab Training Overview and Equipment
- Potential Laboratory Analytical Interferences
- Field Training Experiences and Chemical Compatibility
- Microbial Biopesticide Manufacturing
- Biopesticide Regulatory Harmonization in ASEAN and Workshop Plan
- Bio Efficacy Workshop Plan
- Presentation of the Guidance Document on the Exchange and Use of International Efficacy and Crop Safety Data for Minor Uses Series on Pesticides No. 101 ENV/JM/MONO(2020)1
- Introduction to Functional Capacity, Strategy and Work Plan
- Project’s Knowledge Management (KM) Strategy
- Monitoring Evaluation Reporting and Learning
- Administration and Finance
The key speakers are:
- Catalina Pulido, STDF/WTO
- Ravi Khetarpal, APAARI, Thailand
- Michael Braverman, IR-4, Rutgers University
- Wayne Jiang, Michigan State University
- Martina Spisiakova, APAARI, Thailand
- Rey Santella, USDA
- Yuansheng Wu Prachathipat Pongpinyo
- Ngan Chai Keong, MARDI, Malaysia
- Stefan Jaronski, USA
- Thomas Jaekel, GTZ
- Vasant Patel, CropLife Asia
- Alan Norden, Australia
- Norah Omot, APAARI, Thailand
- Manish Rai, APAARI, Thailand
The virtual inception was a three-hour informative webinar on day one, followed by the participatory webinar on functional capacity development needed for the successful progress of the project focusing on the above-mentioned key areas. The webinar set the stage for the project implementation.