Promoting Gene Editing through Creatives and Infographics admin_apaari May 8, 2020

Promoting Gene Editing through Creatives and Infographics

Gene editing has great potential and a very special role in agriculture to increase the qualitative and quantitative agricultural production and productivity. The success and potential of this technique to contribute towards developing new varieties/breeds will depend on the prevailing regulation for gene editing and public acceptance of the products derived from the gene editing technology in a given country. Gene editing is one of the methods of plant breed, also know as New Plant Breeding Technique (NPBT).

Many Asian countries are already investing a lot of resources in research for development using gene editing technology and are at different stages of developing the regulatory guidelines for gene edited products in their respective countries. However, using new technologies generally brings some issues about its adoption and scaling up. Equally important is acceptance of the public about products developed using gene editing.

The Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) has been actively promoting the use of gene editing through its Asia-Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology and Bioresources (APCoAB). A set of infographics and creatives has been recently developed to raise awareness and share knowledge about gene editing, its benefits, developments and trends, targeting the general public of Asia-Pacific.

What are creative and infographics?

 Creatives and infographics can be used interchangeably. However, creatives are kind of infographics which do not have statistical data but information to communicate easily to the public.

An infographic is a representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data easily understandable at a glance by public.

The objective of this communication campaign is to create public awareness that gene-edited products are distinct from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), with no foreign DNA inserted in them. Rather, gene-edited products are similar to the products obtained through conventional plant breeding methods i.e. mutation breeding, occurring in nature for time immemorial.

The creatives below have been shared on the APCoAB webpageFacebookTwitter and Blog, to reach out to the APAARI Community, including its members, partners and other stakeholders, interested in agricultural biotechnology and bioresources.

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