JIRCAS Mail Magazine, No. 59 (September 2024) Vishwanath Sah September 26, 2024

JIRCAS Mail Magazine, No. 59 (September 2024)

Symposium with Dr. Cary Fowler, 2024 World Food Prize Laureate Dr. Fowler’s Journey to Preserve Genetic Diversity and New Mission for Africa’s Adapted Crops and Soils

Date: 2024-10-11(Fri) 14:00~16:30 (13:30Door Open)(JST)
Place: Hybrid (Yayoi Auditorium, University of Tokyo / Online)
Deadline: 2024-10-9(Wed) 17:00 (JST)

Special Seminar with Dr. Máximo Torero, Chief Economist, FAO
Priority Policy and Investment Options for Global Food Security and Nutrition and Resilient Food Systems

Date: 2024-10-8(Tue) 14:00~16:00 (13:30Door Open)(JST)
Place: 2024-10-8(Tue) 14:00~16:00 (13:30Door Open)(JST)
Deadline: 2024-10-4(Fri) 17:00 (JST)

New Technology and Research Results from JIRCAS

Call for Submissions
We welcome submission of articles on events overseas, timely local information, etc.
To submit an article, please include your affiliation, name (anonymous is OK), and the title of the article to koho-jircas@ml.affrc.go.jp

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【Edited and Published by】
Information and Public Relations Office
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
1-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686, Japan