CoSAI-APAARI dialogue highlights a new tool for supporting NARS to include environmental and social objectives in their work
On the 12th April 2022, APAARI and CoSAI hosted a dialogue with the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) institutions of the... -
Inception Workshop – The project on Improving Phytosanitary Trade Compliance in Bangladesh launched
APAARI has just launched its new partnership with the Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) of the United States Department... -
Call for nominations of innovative women from your organizations to share their story in an upcoming APAARI webinar
APAARI, in collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services Network (APIRAS) and FAO/Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), is organizing... -
APAARI Newsletter, Vol. 30(1), June 2021
Newsletter, Vol. 30(1), June 2021 (196 downloads)  More Newsletters HERE -
APAARI-APIRAS and FAO successfully deliver the first regional training of trainers on strengthening agricultural innovation systems in Asia-Pacific
Training of Trainers’ (ToT) workshops provide an effective strategy to equip employees and subject matter experts with new... -
Policy Paper on Scaling up the Adoption of GM Maize in Emerging Economies: Economic and Policy Lessons from The Philippines
Maize is important in emerging economies being the primary staple in sub-Saharan Africa and the second most important... -
Joint Call on Good Practices for Strengthening Agriculture Innovation Systems (AIS) in Asia-Pacific
The Asia-Pacific Islands and Rural Advisory Services Network (APIRAS) and APAARI, in close collaboration with the Research and... -
Tissue Culture-Raised Apple Rootstock in India – A Success Story
Apple ranks fourth in production globally after banana, orange and grape. Commercially, it is the most important temperate... -
Virtual Regional Capacity Building Programme on Application of Modern Biotechnological Tools for Management of Aquatic Genetic Resources – Nominations
Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) under its programme on Asia-Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology (APCoAB) and...