Asian Citrus Congress-2023 (ACC-2023): Advancing Citriculture for Agro-economic Prosperity
Nagpur, India, 28th-30th October, 2023: We are delighted to announce the Asian Citrus Congress-2023 (ACC-2023), an extraordinary gathering... -
Cultivating Safe Agriculture: Enhancing Trade and Food Safety through Pesticide Risk Communication
Date: 18th August 2023Time: 6:30 PM Bangkok TimeAgriculture plays a vital role in ensuring food security and supporting... -
WEBINAR: Loss and damage in South Asia: What COP28 needs to deliver for the region
The Hindu Kush Himalaya region and South Asia are especially vulnerable to climate hazards due to development constraints... -
JIRCAS Mail Magazine, No. 45 (July 2023)
Event: Children's Tour Day: “Discovering the Wonders of Superfood Quinoa”Quinoa is a miracle crop that grows even in... -
Faculty Opportunity in Agricultural and Resource Economics at Kasetsart University
The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Kasetsart University is delighted to announce an exciting career opportunity... -
8th International Agriculture Innovation Conference 2023 (IAIC 2023) | 1-2 August, 2023
International Agriculture Innovation Conference (IAIC) is an annual conference that has been running since 2016 organized by International... -
JIRCAS Mail Magazine, No. 44 (June 2023)
There have been increasing opportunities to present the results of JIRCAS research at international meetings.The research results on... -
Tiny Microbes with Big Business Impact: The Economic and Health Implications of Food Safety
Through biological and chemical contamination, tiny microbes have massive impacts on human health and global economies. This webinar... -
Global Summit on Strengthening food systems for Nutrient-rich Crops
Achieving food and nutrition security is a key priority in India. One of the key routes to achieving... -
Regional Expert Consultation on Agroforestry for Environmental Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods of Farmers in Asia-Pacific (AFERSuLiF-AP): Proceedings and Recommendations
The Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), under its programme Asia- Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology and...