Communication OfficerThis position offers room for exponential growth within the organization and motivating international environment. Permanent position can... -
Tackling the Food and Climate Crisis: Exploring Solutions through the Global Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture
Date: 27th -29th March, 2023 Venue: Vadlamudi, Andhra Pradesh (India) About the Conference: The availability of food is seriously... -
Empowering Women Farmers: SEWA’s Two-Day Workshop on Revitalizing Forgotten Food Crops and Amplifying the Voices of Family Farmers
Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) is organizing a two days workshop on “Forgotten Food Crops and Food: Voices... -
Stakeholders Consultation initiated to advance India’s Collective Action on Forgotten Food
The stakeholders consultation kicked off on January 18 at the Biju Patnaik Tribal Agrobiodiversity Centre in Odisha, discussing the... -
WEBINAR: Agricultural Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region
This webinar will provide an opportunity to build a shared understanding among governments from across the Asia-Pacific region... -
Comprehensive Report of Webinar series for popularizing Plant Tissue Culture in Asia-Pacific Region and African Countries towards realizing its potential
The Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), under its programme Asia- Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology and... -
APAARI bags new Project Preparation Grant on One-Health
APAARI Secretariat is happy to announce that it has bagged a new project preparation grant (PPG) from Standards... -
First Biopesticide Regulatory Workshop, 16 March 2022
The first Biopesticide Regulatory Harmonization workshop involving all regulatory points of contacts of the participating countries including Bangladesh,...