Mandate admin_apaari October 19, 2017

Asia-Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology and Bioresources


To harness the benefits of agricultural biotechnology and bioresources for human and animal welfare through the application of latest scientific technologies while safeguarding the environment for the advancement of society in the Asia-Pacific region.


To enhance the benefits of biotechnologies for the sustainable agricultural development in the Asia-Pacific region, through greater stakeholder partnerships, improved dialogues with policy makers, capacity building and greater public awareness.

  • Serve as a neutral forum for the key partners engaged in research, development, commercialization and education/learning of agricultural biotechnology as well as environmental safety in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Facilitate and promote the process of greater public awareness and understanding relating to important issues of IPRs, sui generis systems, biosafety, risk assessment, harmonization of regulatory procedures, and access and benefit sharing in order to address various concerns relating to adoption of agricultural biotechnology and sustainable use of bioresources.
  • Facilitate human resource development for meaningful application of agricultural biotechnology and use of bioresources to enhance sustainable agricultural productivity, as well as product quality, for the welfare of both farmers and consumers.